
Watch video content from our team and learn more about Ruhama and the women we help

About Ruhama

Our support services are free, confidential and available to anyone affected by prostitution in Ireland. Text REACH to 50100 for free and our team will get in touch with you.

‘Free to Live’ GAA Official Charity Partner Video 2024
Ruhama works for a world where no girl or woman is taken advantage of or exploited and we are delighted to have been selected as a GAA Charity Partner for 2024. To raise awareness on human trafficking and sexual exploitation this video was shown at the All-Ireland Football Quarter Finals in Croke Park on June 30 2024. Many thanks to St Jude's Junior Ladies Football Team, Templeogue, Dublin, for their assistance in making this video.
Breaking the Silence International Conference December 2022
Highlights from the 2022 international conference 'Breaking The Silence: Examining the hidden sexual violence and sexual exploitation of women in the Irish and global sex trade'
Zero Tolerance for Domestic, Sexual & Gender-based Violence
Ireland's Department of Justice has launched a new video as part of the Zero Tolerance campaign
Get the Full Picture Campaign Video
Prostitution Under COVID 19, We Don’t Buy It Campaign Webinar
[embed][/embed] We were pleased, as partners in the We Don't Buy It Campaign, to contribute our front line expertise to this webinar on "Prostitution Under COVID 19."   Covid-19 has had, and continues to have, a detrimental impact on the lives of people who sell sex on the street and in off street settings such as apartments, brothels, and selling images online. Those involved have faced significant challenges in areas such as lack of finance, housing, social isolation and safety issues but are also facing additional challenges in accessing support due to stigma and fear of disclosing their specific circumstances.   In this webinar we discuss, with other partners from across the spectrum of experience in this area, some of the effects of the pandemic and ways in which it has impacted on our service provision and on the lives of those most impacted by the pandemic within the sex trade
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Text REACH to 50100 for FREE, and get FREE confidential support. Or call us for free on 1800 020202 today.